Class France

Our PE days are on a Monday (indoor) and Tuesday (outdoor). Please ensure all children have the correct  PE kit. Children come into school dressed in their PE kits.

As the weather begins to get colder, please send in zip up jumpers/hoodies that are suitable for PE. Outdoor shoes will also be required.


It is really important to read with your children. In Year 1 children are learning to de-code and blend words to help them read whole pieces of texts. It is also beneficial to question children about the text they are reading, to check their understanding, whilst being able to retrieve and interpret information from the text.

Please record any reading you do with your child in your child's Reading Record. In Year 1, children are encoraged to change their own reading book, once a parent has signed their diary to say they have completed the book.







Welcome to our Class France Page



Working in Class France, along side our wonderful Year 1 children, there is Miss Footitt, Miss Stinchcombe, Mrs Spratt and Miss Cartwright. Miss Stinchcombe is a training teacher and is very excited and enthusaistic to be working in our school, with our wonderful year 1 children. Miss Cartwright and Mrs Spratt are our amazing teaching assistants working in our class everyday. Miss Heslam teaches on a Monday and Wednesday afternoon whilst Miss Footitt is undertaking leadership time and PPA time.

In Class France we love to explore and discover new things, whilst experimenting with our own ideas. Outside our classroom, we have an outdoor area where we continue our learning through exploration and play. Children are encouraged to think creatively and try out their own ideas. 

Throughout the academic year, we explore many topics, such as 'Our local history', 'The Great Fire of London', 'Animals around the World', 'Seasons', 'Places of Worship' as well as many more. We will also learn much more about France, including the food, culture and of course learning some of the French language.

Compared to the Early Years Foundation Stage, children in Year 1 conduct their learning more formally and are encouraged to be as independent as possible. 

In Year 1, children are taught daily Phonics lessons. We use our Phonics to help us with our reading and spelling. We ask that all children read daily to an adult.

Our Curriculum in Year 1 - Year 1 Yearly Overview

Please click here to see our Autumn Term Newsletter 

Term 1 Parent Share and Shine