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Welcome back message from Mr Eden

I hope you had a fantastic festive break and are ready for the term ahead.  I wanted to take this opportunity to wish you all well, welcome you back and wish you a very happy new year!


One issue that we have noticed on returning to school and would like to bring to your attention is around snacks given to children for playtime. Please be reminded that only healthy snacks are permitted at these times and we will not allow children to eat crisps and sweets during any playtime. We run a very affordable Healthy Tuck Shop which sells a variety of fruits and healthy snacks for as little as 10p-please send money with your child if you would like them to access this facility.


We monitor playtime snacks every day during playtimes and we have spoken to the children about the choices they make in selecting their snack-we do know there have been instances where children have taken an item from their packed lunch and brought this onto the playground and have held conversations in school to address this.


I trust that you will be supportive of this and thank you in advance for taking the time to read and consider this message.


Look out for Parent Letters and Curriculum Maps from Class Teachers as well as Attainment Grids for the autumn term for pupils in Years 1-6 which will be with you by Monday next week. I look forward to seeing you all very soon; should you require a meeting, please do not hesitate to catch me on the school gate or see Mrs Beard to arrange a meeting.


Thanks and Best Wishes,


Sam Eden



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