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School Uniform Expectations and Information 

Children at Ancaster Church of England Primary School wear their uniform with pride and we expect our children to wear the full and correct uniform at all times. Please see below as an outline for our uniform expectations across the school.  

Girls Uniform: Grey skirt/trousers, white shirt/polo shirt, royal blue jumper/cardigan (logo/non logo). Girls may also wear a blue and white checked dress. Sensible shoes without heels in a dark colour.

Boys Uniform: Grey trousers/shorts, white shirt/polo shirt, royal blue jumper (logo/non logo). Sensible shoes in a dark colour.

Pre-Loved Uniform is available via the PTFA - Donations are always welcome throughout the year by dropping clothes to the School Office. Items for sale can be purchased at any time, so if your child outgrows their current items or you feel you need some spares, please get in touch with us by email to [email protected] and arrangements for paying for items will be communicated directly with the PTFA. The full list of available items can be found by clicking on the following link.

PE Kit

Children will also need a PE kit consisting of trainers/ plimsolls, shorts/tracksuit bottoms and a blue or white t-shirt. 


We encourage children with long hair to have it tied back to reduce the spread of headlice. Headbands may be worn but should be subtle and in school, or muted colours, as best as possible. Please note that children's hair should be a natural colour and not dyed.


For health and safety reasons, children who have their ears pierced should only wear stud earrings. We cannot permit the use of hoop earrings as these pose problems when children play. No other jewellery (rings, necklaces etc) should be worn to school unless it is for religous observerance, in which a conversation with the school will need to take place in the first instance. If a child comes to school with any item they shouldn't, they will be asked to remove these and the class based staff will return them at the end of the day to the parent/carer. Please note that with respect to earrings, children will be asked to remove their earrings for PE sessions or if they are unable to do so, they will need to place tape over them to keep them safe.

Make-up and Nail Varnish

Children should not come to school wearing make up or nail varnish. We will ask a child to remove make up when they enter school and ask that nail varnish is removed for the next day. If this happens repeatedly, a conversation will be arranged with parents/carers.


Trainers should only be worn on PE days. For all other days, children should wear the uniform as set out above. We do recognise that there are exceptional circumstances where children may not be able to wear their school shoes and in these cases, a conversation should take place with the school to agree a time frame in which the alternative shoes are being worn for and to agree next steps. Please note, we will never accept having incorrect footwear as a reason for a child to be absent from school.

Wearable Technology

There are now so many items on the market in which portable technology keeps us connected and informed better than ever before. This rise in technology has seen the use of wrist watches change significantly from the classic style watch in which the only use is to tell the time from a digital/analogue perspective. Now, with Apple Watches and FitBit etc as well as other well known brands, there have been instances where the use of these watches begin to pose other issues when worn in class by the children. Some devices have cameras built in, whereas others have the same communication levels as mobile phones (which are not permitted in school). Quite simply, wearable technology such as smart watches which can do more than simple basic functions of telling the time and recording how many steps have been taken etc, should be enjoyed away from school. We will allow children to wear a simple digital/analogue watch or a basic smart watch providing the only additional functions are to act as a pedometer etc. 

More Information 

For your convenience, our school logo sweatshirts can be purchased from Nationwide uniforms online.

Click on the following link to order directly-

 None of our uniform must be purchased exclusively from one provider and parents are free to source uniform from anywhere they wish.

Please click the following link for an example of name labels that may be purchased to name your Child's Uniform.