Pupil Leadership
At Ancaster, we believe that every child should be given the opportunity to develop their leadership skills in as many ways as possible. As such, all children are given the chance to apply or be nominated. Find out below just some of the ways that we encourage our pupils to exercise their right to have their voices heard and realise their own Power to Change.
School Council
Our School Council comprises of two pupils from each class. We held a democratic vote within each class to ensure the children were elected fairly into their roles. We meet regularly with Mrs Dickinson to discuss important issues for our school, which we then share with our classes and organise events and activities.
Our Junior Online Safety Officers (JRSOs) are from Year 5. They work in many areas to raise awareness of being safe online. They contribute to worships, communicate with parents and speak to children across school. We are really proud of their work.
Playground Leaders
Our playground leaders can be seen at breaks and lunch wearing their distinctive baseball caps. These children have been selected for their leadership qualities and their interest in sports development. The children have been trained to be effective playground leaders alongside our Sports Apprentice, Mr Calum Short and by Inspire+, the sports charity we work with to ensure that our sports provision is as effective as possible.
Team Leaders
Our children are split into four Castle Teams - Belvoir, Grimsthorpe, Lincoln and Tattershall. The children work together to collect team points and the winning team each term is rewarded. Each team is led by two Castle Captains from Year 6 and these children lead events, including fundraisers, for the whole school.