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End of Term 3 Message from Mr Eden

Dear Parents, Carers, Children and Staff,

Well, we have made it to the end of this very bizarre, often frustrating, and highly stressful term. I have to say, that in the years I have worked in education, this term has been the most intense due to the lockdown and the need to adapt and evolve extremely quickly to the varying elements that have been introduced at speed. I have to be honest and say that it is down to you all that this has run has smoothly as it has-I am in awe of you all...throughout everything though, the trials and tribulations that have presented have been overshadowed by the smiles and the joy seen in the connections that continue to be made and the learning, in spite of everything, that has continued regardless of the barriers we have faced.

Parents and Carers-you are all truly phenomenal! Your patience, resilience, support, honesty, openness and kindness has known no bounds (as always) and your encouragement has helped get everyone through! To those who have continued to homeschool-I take my hat off to you-the job is relentless and difficult when you have to wear all of your other hats and I know first hand how that particular juggling act can go-you’ve done a great job and your children will only ever thank you as you both remember these crazy times-Well done!!!

Children-well, what can I say...every challenge and obstacle that is put in your way, you overcome it with determination, resilience and achievement! I am literally the proudest headteacher in the world right now as I sit and consider what an exceptional bunch you are! Thank you for your hard work and efforts-we are so proud of you and you need to make sure you rest and relax this half term (your parents will definitely appreciate a few lie-ins)! Keep smiling and keep safe-we shall see you soon!

Staff-we have planned, implemented, amended and evolved all in blocks of 24 hours, taking every day as it comes to ensure our children and families gain every ounce of support needed. Our school community is thriving because of every post holder in our glorious school...thank you for your service...thank you for your enthusiasm and encouragement and thank you for putting others before yourself as we continue in our quest to help our school community be the best we can be!

Have a restful half term break fingers are so very tightly crossed that we can welcome the children back into school very soon as we know more, we shall be in touch regarding this but for now-we are where we are, which may well be in Lockdown, but ultimately, we are in this together and united and for that I cannot ever thank you enough.

Take care everyone, stay safe and well and I shall look forward to seeing you next term.

Best Wishes,

Mr Eden

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